Parents » Parents


Click on the links below for more great resources.

Helpful Links for Parents

Parent Guides by Grade Level

Parent ToolKit

At Home Study Support (ClassLink Apps)

How to Handle Homework

 20+ Ways to End Homework Hassles
Parents’ Guide to Student Success – 7th Grade

My Child’s Academic Success – Helping Your Child Through Early Adolescence

Real Time Tutoring (24 Hour Assistance)

  1. Go to
  2. Hover over “By Subject”
  3. Select “Tutoring &Test Prep”
  4. Click
  5. Enter the code “discus2022” in the box.
  6. Create an account and you are ready to begin.

School Fee Payment Program

This year Robert Anderson Middle will begin using a new online payment system called OSP by Edlio for all school fees. This new system will be where parents and/or students can easily pay for all required school fees. In order to do so, parents and students will need to create an account in the new system. You will need your child's student ID number to create an account.
To create your OSP account, go to: and then follow the directions below to complete the process.
Once you create an account, you can check to see if your child has any outstanding required fees or "obligations" by going to the “Pay Obligations” tab.
account creation directions
account creation instructions continued